Concept Mapping

Psychoactive Drugs

Name: Erica BeachDate: October 2010
Lesson Title: 4 Categories of Psychoactive DrugsGrade/Level: 9&10
TN State Learning Accomplishments:
7.1 describe the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco and other chemical substances.
7.2 identify the effects of substance misuse and abuse on society (e.g., school, crime, disease, pregnancy, STI, job, personal relationships, physical enhancement, and athletic performance).
7.3 recognize that combining chemical substances can have serious consequences (e.g., death, injury, sensory impairments).

7.5 identify strategies to avoid misuse of chemical substances.
7.6 explain the effects of chemical substances on total wellness.
NETS-S Performance Indicators:


1a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.

4c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.

5b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
NETS-T Performance Indicators:

1b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
2a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
TN State Computer Technology Learning Accomplishments:

8.1.2.b.2 Create a chart that visually represents data.
8.3.2.a Use productivity tools to create effective document files for defined audiences such as slide shows, posters, multimedia presentations, newsletters, brochures, or reports.
Essential Question: What is the desired/expected outcome for the students after completing this lesson? What are psychoactive drugs? How many types are there?
Concept Map Integration Plan:
The intended use of the concept map is for student understanding and as a resource for studying for an exam.

Brief description of the Instruction Plan: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the medicinal benefits and ill effects of a variety of controlled substances. The students will define the word drug and identify ways in which drugs are used both legally and illegally. Students will view the video clip about the drug 'Salvia'. A short discussion will take place after the video and a 5 question pre-assessment will be handed out to students. Instructor will give this assessment to test the students' prior knowledge pertaining to psychoactive drugs. Next instructor will lecture about the four types of psychoactive drugs (Depressants, Hallucinogens, Stimulates, and Opiates). At the end of the lesson the concept map will be handed out and used to prepare for an exam about psychoactive drugs. The map will be blank and filled in during class time to ensure students get the correct information. The students will be able to take this concept map home to prepare for the exam.
Additional Technology Integration to be Used: A video will be shown to the class. This can be found at: Also the smart board will be used to record items needed for note taking. Students will use the computer lab at school to develop a concept map.
Description of the 'relative advantage' of all technology being used in this lesson: Technology used for this lesson will aide in delivering information about psychoactive drugs. Students will go to the computer lab and develop a concept map in small groups of 3-4. The concept map will be a small group activity via a power point. Delivering the information this way; hopefully, makes the information more interesting and can be done in small groups while the instructor is able to check for understanding as we move through the concept map. At the end of the computer lab, students will show the class their final concept mapping project and it will also serve as a study guide for the students. Instructor will check to make sure that each group has covered all of the pertinent that was covered during lecture.